About Us
The National Association of Engineering Student Councils seeks to:

Advocate for engineering students and schools across the nation.

Collaborate with councils to learn how to serve students.

Lead and develop skills to become a well-rounded engineer.

The National Association of Engineering Student Councils, Inc. (NAESC) was established in 1983 as an avenue for Engineering Student Councils from around the United States to communicate and share ideas to be more effective organizations at their home schools. NAESC, Inc. commits itself to improving the engineering educational experience and supporting all engineering disciplines. This strong organization not only serves engineering student councils but also the engineering students each council represents. To achieve these goals, NAESC, Inc. works to facilitate communications among member councils, promotes engineering education, organizes programs and events, provides a resource of information about engineering student activities, and serves as a collective voice for engineering student councils. Since its inception, NAESC membership has grown from a few schools in the central United States to over forty schools nationwide. NAESC also is working towards fostering professional relationships with other national and international engineering organizations. .