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NAESC Board of Directors Application 2024-2026


This application is for the NAESC Board of Directors. Applications will be accepted until April 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm (CDT). There are currently 2, two-year positions open for alumni or current students. (Term ends April 30, 2026).

Voting/selection of candidates will take place between 4/21 and 4/26, with notification emails sent on 4/26. The April Board of Directors Meeting will be held April 28th from 5-7 PM CST - selected candidates are HIGHLY encouraged to attend this meeting.

Duties & Responsibilities:
1. Advise on new organization projects and directives.
2. Ensure continual proper governance of NAESC.
3. Continue to help set strategic direction for the organization.
4. Serve on a committee(s) that works on strategic and business goals of NAESC.
5. Attend all NAESC events (conferences, webinars, F2F, etc.) as reasonably possible

Time Commitment:
7 hours per month AVERAGE
- 2 hours/month dedicated to a Sunday evening Board meeting (constant)
- 2 hours/month to review new materials and content posted on Freedcamp or sent via email (varies monthly)
- 2 hours/month dedicated to committee work (varies based on committee(s))
- 1 hour/month to meet with your ELT buddy (part of a program NAESC has created to foster ELT-BoD interaction and professional development for ELT officers)

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