The Brandon Brunner Scholarship
Brandon Brunner was National President of NAESC and President of the Kansas State council. He believed three specific things were key to success in college: passion, vision, and execution. This scholarship is specifically designed to promote that philosophy. Any undergraduate student enrolled for the full upcoming academic year in the College of Engineering (or equivalent) or a dues-paying NAESC member institution is eligible.
Tips to succeed:
The judging will be laser-focused on its mission -- to promote passion, vision, and execution. Prior applicants have had incredible stories, but were ultimately unsuccessful because they didn't connect to these themes.
Passion is defined here as uncommon motivation to participate in a laudable undertaking.
Vision is defined here as the ability to critically assess an organization and creatively articulate a future state.
Execution is defined here as the ability to ensure work is completed, whether that work is completed by you or by others.
Demonstrate real results. Use quantifiable metrics wherever possible. This is an engineering scholarship after all.
Content matters more than presentation. This does not mean grammatical errors are acceptable, but it does mean that dot points can be. Tell your story in the most succinct way possible.
This is not a needs-based scholarship. This does not mean that financial hardships are irrelevant, just that they are only considered if they promote the purpose of the scholarship -- demonstration of passion, vision, and execution.
To the extent possible, we recommend removing any information that could identify you or your university. The scholarship attempts to remove bias from its selection to the extent possible.
Previous Winners: